Ashcraft & Gerel Lawyers to Speak at HarrisMartin’s Paraquat Litigation Webinar
April 30, 2021
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We at Ashcraft & Gerel are proud to announce that Attorneys Michelle A. Parfitt and Patrick Lyons will be speaking at HarrisMartin’s Webinar Series: Paraquat Herbicide Litigation on Monday, May 10, 2021!

From 2 pm to 3:30 pm EST, this enlightening CLE (continuing legal education) webinar will cover topics ranging from why the herbicide paraquat is so widely used in the United States to its link to Parkinson’s disease, to legal issues and case screenings, and more. While paraquat is not the same as the herbicide Roundup, the way in which Roundup litigation unfolded against Monsanto (now Bayer) has heavily informed the legal community’s approach to litigating paraquat cases. Thus, webinar speakers will be delving into this topic as well.

Attorneys Parfitt and Lyons are uniquely qualified to speak at this webinar, as they are in the process of litigating paraquat injury cases at Ashcraft & Gerel. Along with the rest of our award-winning legal team, they are pursuing the full amount of damages owed to individuals who have developed Parkinson’s as a result of their toxic exposure to paraquat. These damages include but are not limited to medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, etc. Our firm will not allow negligent corporations to get away with putting profit over the safety of U.S. residents.

To register for HarrisMartin’s Webinar Series: Paraquat Herbicide Litigation, we kindly invite you to visit the event page here. Attendees will earn one CLE credit.

Are you seeking legal guidance in Washington, D.C., Virginia, or Maryland? Contact Ashcraft & Gerel online or at (866) 709-0505 today for a free consultation.
